Full-Service Turn-Key Cleaning Solutions

Exclusively for Texas Schools

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The Faulk Company was founded in 1981 in Fort Worth, Texas

The Faulk Company has been in business since 1981, and began to provide complete custodial service to public and private schools exclusively in 1989. We are located in Fort Worth, Texas and concentrate our efforts on schools located in the Central, South, and Northern part of the state. Our clients we serve are predominately community and private schools and we know what works within not only the schools but also the community itself.

Schools are our only business. We have learned success with cleaning the schools of Texas for the last 39 years, and we know what it takes to do it the way schools want it. We are school people and we don’t concern ourselves with commercial cleaning schedules, we instead prepare our cleaning schedules around the school activities and time frames.


Our company leadership has over 43 years of cleaning experience to include teaching sanitation, disinfecting, and hygiene in medical facilities at the University of Texas for certification and compliance. Our President has served for several years as a school board president and is very familiar with school activities, funding, and of course school operations and leadership. Our sales and school liaison is retired from the Texas Public System and has a varied background in school operations and administration. We are available to assist the district in designing their custodial program and preparing specifications, and RFP preparation. Again, we are not a national program working in commercial and industrial business, we are Texas school people. Our ownership and management group has at least three personnel with over 30 years in the custodial cleaning business and more than 25 years in the schools of Texas. Few of our competitors can match this level of experience.

Tim and Tony Faulk as Owners, President, and Chief Financial officer, have built a contract school custodial service that serves entirely public and private schools of Texas. Tim and Tony graduated in 1974 in Business Administration from TCU and started the company in 1981 as a commercial cleaning company. ln 1989 they made the move into Texas schools with the first school district of Springtown ISD and has been with The Faulk Company for 30 years.

Today The Faulk Company is exclusively a school contract service company. As other districts began to hear through word of mouth about The Faulk Company custodial program tailored to the public and private school settings of Texas, more districts have become comfortable with the hands-on performance of the company and its owners. Tim and Tony visit our contract schools regularly and participate in many of the school district activities, such as golf tournaments, and educational foundation fund raisers, etc. as part of an ongoing support of the local community. Tim had an early background of teaching sanitation certification programs for health facilities at the University of Texas. Most importantly he has served as a School Board President and is very familiar with school operations and school budgeting and financing.